Annotation of tclpuks/prgsrc/puks.tcl, revision 1.5

1.2       boris       1: #!/usr/bin/wish
1.3       boris       3: ##############################################################
                      4: #    Global flags and variables
                      5: ##############################################################
                      7: # Flags
                      8: set waiting_for_key 0
                      9: set question_asked 0
                     10: set timer_started 0
1.2       boris      11: 
1.3       boris      12: # Channel to talk to the MRC device
                     13: set MRC 0
1.2       boris      14: 
1.3       boris      15: #  Mapping of MCR codes to keys:  button(code)
1.2       boris      16: set buttoncode 256
                     17: for {set i 1} {$i <=8} {incr i} {
                     18:     set button($buttoncode) $i
                     19:     set buttoncode [expr $buttoncode*2]
                     20: }
1.3       boris      22: 
                     23: ##############################################################
                     24: #  Procedures for talking with MRC
                     25: ##############################################################
                     27: # Open the given device for MRC.  Return 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
                     28: proc open_mrc {device} {
                     29:     global MRC
                     30:     set result [catch {set MRC [open $device r+]}]
                     31:     if {$result !=0} {
                     32:        return $result
                     33:     }
                     34:     fconfigure $MRC -blocking 0  -translation binary \
                     35:        -encoding binary -buffering none -mode  57600,n,8,1
                     37:     puts $MRC s
                     38:     after 200
                     39:     read $MRC
                     40:     puts $MRC r
                     41:     after 200
                     42:     read $MRC
                     43:     return 0
                     44: }
                     48: # Return the key pressed or 0
1.2       boris      49: proc readbuffer {} {
1.3       boris      50:     global MRC  button
1.2       boris      51:     set key 0
1.3       boris      52:     set message [read $MRC]
1.2       boris      53:     binary scan $message s key
                     54:     set key [expr $key & 0xFFFF]
                     55:     if {[catch {set key $button($key)}] == 0} {
                     56:        return $key
                     57:     }
                     58:     return 0
                     59: }
1.3       boris      61: ##############################################################
                     62: #   Setup
                     63: ##############################################################
1.2       boris      64: 
1.4       boris      65: 
                     67: # Main menu
                     69: menu .mbar -type menubar -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
                     70: pack .mbar -fill x
                     72: menubutton .mbar.file -text File -menu .mbar.file.m -underline 0 \
                     73:        -relief raised -borderwidth 2
                     74: pack .mbar.file -side left 
                     75: set m [menu .mbar.file.m]
                     76: $m add command -label "Open" -state disabled
                     77: $m add command -label "Save as..." -state disabled
                     78: $m add command -label "Save" -state disabled
                     79: $m add separator
                     80: $m add command -label "Quit" -command exit
                     82: menubutton .mbar.edit -text Edit -underline 0 -state disabled\
                     83:        -relief raised -borderwidth 2
                     84: pack .mbar.edit -side left
                     86: menubutton -text Help -menu -underline 0\
                     87:        -relief raised -borderwidth 2
                     88: pack -side right
                     89: set m [menu]
                     90: $m add command -label "About..." -command {
                     91:     tk_dialog .about "About Puks" \
                     92:            "Система управления кнопками.
                     93: (C) Teytelman, 2002 (MCR code)
                     94: (C) Boris Veytsman, 2005 (Tcl/Tk version)"\
                     95:        info  0 "OK"}
                     98: #Teams
                     99: frame .teams 
                    100: pack .teams -side top
                    101: for {set  i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
                    102:     frame .teams.frame($i) 
                    103:     pack .teams.frame($i) -side top -fill x
                    104:     label .teams.frame($i).button -text 0
                    105:     pack .teams.frame($i).button -side left
                    106:     entry .teams.frame($i).name -width 60 -textvariable name($i)
                    107:     pack .teams.frame($i).name -side left
                    108:     entry .teams.frame($i).score -width 6 -textvariable score($i)
                    109:     pack .teams.frame($i).score -side left
                    110: }
1.5     ! boris     112: 
        !           113: # Question weight
        !           114: frame .weight
        !           115: set weight 1
        !           116: set doubled 0
        !           117: pack .weight -side top -fill x
        !           118: label .weight.label -text "Цена вопроса"
        !           119: entry .weight.weight -textvariable weight -width 3
        !           120: checkbutton .weight.doubled -variable doubled
        !           121: label .weight.label2 -text "x2"
        !           122: pack .weight.label .weight.weight .weight.doubled .weight.label2 -side left
        !           123: 
        !           124: # Buttons and timer
        !           125: frame .control
        !           126: pack .control -side top -fill x
        !           127: frame .control.buttons 
        !           128: pack .control.buttons -side left -fill y 
        !           129: 
        !           130: button .control.buttons.assign -text "Assign  Buttons" -underline 0 -state disabled
        !           131: pack .control.buttons.assign -fill both  -side top 
        !           132: bind Button <a> {.control.buttons.assign invoke}
        !           133: 
        !           134: button .control.buttons.start -text Start -underline 0 -command "puts A"
        !           135: pack .control.buttons.start -fill both  -side top 
        !           136: bind Button <s> {.control.buttons.start invoke}
        !           137: 
        !           138: button .control.buttons.stop -text Stop -underline 1 -command "puts B" -state disabled
        !           139: pack .control.buttons.stop -fill both -side top 
        !           140: bind Button <t> {.control.buttons.stop invoke}
        !           141: 
        !           142: button .control.buttons.reset -text "Reset scores" -underline 0 -state disabled
        !           143: pack .control.buttons.reset -fill both -side top 
        !           144: bind Button <r> {.control.buttons.reset invoke}
        !           145: 
        !           146: 
        !           147: 
        !           148: option add *timer.font  -*-palatino-*-r-normal--*-1200-*-*-*-*-*-* widgetDefault
        !           149: label .control.timer -text 0 -border 5 -relief raised -borderwidth 2
        !           150: pack .control.timer -side left -expand 1 -fill x
        !           151: 
        !           152: # Status line
        !           153: frame .status -relief sunk -borderwidth 2
        !           154: pack .status -side top -fill x
        !           155: label .status.mcr -relief ridge -text "Not connected" -fg red -width 48
        !           156: pack .status.mcr -side left -fill x
        !           157: label .status.state -relief ridge -text "Idle" 
        !           158: pack .status.state -side left -fill x
        !           159: 
        !           160: 
1.4       boris     161: #  button .start -text "Start" -command start
                    162: #  pack .start
                    163: #  label .pressed 
                    164: #  pack .pressed
1.2       boris     165: 
                    167: proc start {} {
                    168:     global SRLFILE state idle waiting
                    169:     readbuffer
                    170:     .start configure -state disabled -command {}
                    171:     set state $waiting
                    172: }
                    174: proc body  {} {
                    175:     global state idle waiting
                    176:     update idletasks
                    177:     if { $state == $waiting } {
                    178:        set pressed [readbuffer]
                    179:        if { $pressed != 0 } {
1.3       boris     180: #          set state $idle
                    181: #          .start configure -state active -command start
1.2       boris     182:            .pressed configure -text "Pressed $pressed"
                    183:            puts $pressed
                    184:            readbuffer  }
                    185:     } else {
                    186:        readbuffer
                    187:     }
                    188:     after 10 body
                    189: }
1.4       boris     191: #body 
1.2       boris     192: 

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